Sunday, May 22, 2011

Abigail's Pre-K Graduation

On Friday, May 20, 2011, Abigail had her Pre-K graduation at Los Ninos. She was so excited! She attends the afternoon class, so that morning we had to paint her finger and toe nails and curl her hair. It was fun to have a special day for her.
What a pretty lady!

She loves her brother, Steven.

Walking down the 'aisle.' It was pretty crazy at the graudation, but I managed to get a few shots.

Abby and her teacher, Mrs. Annette.

After the ceremony outside, all the classes went back to their rooms do a program for their parents. Abby's class sang a few songs and did a dance. Her favorite was 'Tut-ti-tot.' (sp) As always she was a fabulous singer! Their favorite part of everything was having cake and punch afterwards. I love my kids!

1 comment:

Jeni said...

That is a fantastic family picture at the top of your blog!! So perfect, the colors, the positioning, everything!!