Jacob is now 7 months old. It's amazing how quickly time has gone by and how much he has changed. He crawls around like a champ and has a talent for putting any stray item on the floor in his mouth. Luckily, Jacob has three older siblings who look out for him. His latest trick is pulling himself up. However, after he stands up he's not quite sure what to do so he either falls down or screams until he is rescued. :) Already he is growing up too fast.
8 years ago
I cannot believe how big the kids are getting! Wendi told me about your blog so thought I'd check it out. Hope life is treating yall well!
Sigh, and here I thought you had better English writing skills.
Thanks for the blog (errors and all). I can now keep up with all your goings on, especially since you have such a great habit of keeping me updated :p
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