Sunday, February 14, 2010

Reading and writing

Luckily, the kids love to read and create things. The older kids like to read to the younger ones (which is a lifesaver to me) and even Jacob will sit and flip through books, especially any book about Elmo or Diego. The only down side to this is that when they try to 'create' something-whether it be a book, game, or a work of art- it usually produces a mess too. Oh, well.

Almost daily, Abby makes up a game. Usually she just writes letters down and tells me what I have to do each time I land on a certain letter. I figure if it encourges her to write her letters I can jump up and down while I fold the laundry. ;)

Jacob loves sit with Aaron and read books like his brother. Sometimes he gets a little too involved in Aaron's books which can lead to a bit of conflict.

Aaron reading to Jacob.

Josh and Aaron reading his AR book. I wonder if this can lead to a reading problem?

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