Sunday, May 23, 2010

The best laid plans....

The father-son campout for our ward is next Friday (which just happens to be the same night as the recital) so Josh decided to take Aaron a week early instead. To make it special he planned to go to Palo Duro Canyon in Texas. Friday we pulled eveything out and got the boys ready to go. Before they left I asked my husband if they had a campsite. He was sure there would be something but decided to call just to make sure. As luck would have it, there were no campsites available. There were some backpacking sites that took 30 minutes to hike into but didn't sound like a good option.
So their camping gear stayed downstairs unused. After a few moments of disappointment, the boys made new 'plans' for the night.
They spent quality time playing Lego Indiana Jones and eating pizza instead. Apparently in two weeks we're all going camping as a family too. It should be fun!

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