Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Dixie Staaaaampede!

One of our favorite places to go is the Dixie Stampede! The food is good and the kids are captivated by the show. It's so fun to watch them clapping their hands and cheering for their side. And they love to drink out of their boot cups all year round. Here's a few pictures from the pre-show.
Jacob his popcorn and drink more than the show.
Abigail loved to see all the animals.
They loved it!
We think it's funny how 'into' it Aaron gets. Last time he was moving to the music. This time he was a little more subdued but nonetheless enchanted. Can't wait till next time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the last picture was priceless. one of those moments where what is going on in the back ground is terribly funny. Emma's face, so funny.