Sunday, August 1, 2010

Everyone is special!

For some reason if one of our children is invited to do something with a friend, the others think they should do something special too! Yesterday was one of those days. Aaron went to a movie with a friend for his birthday and Emma went to a friend's to play. Which left Abigail at home pitching a fit about how life isn't fair...quite entertaining. Jacob started singing the same song (figuratively, of course) and soon we had quite a chorus going.
In an effort to restore happiness, Josh took the remaining children (Abigail and Jacob) on a bike ride. It was short because everyone got hot...but they all came home smiling.
They came back into the air conditioned house and read books for a while. That evening all of the children felt like they had gotten to do something special! Way to go Dad!

1 comment:

Tina said...

The trailer looks great! Wish we were there. We definitely would have invited Abby and Jacob to come play!