Last night Steven and I were going around to all of the kids and singing them songs at bedtime...well, I was singing, he was tagging along. In Aaron's room, he was holding Steven's hand while we sang. He and I visited for a few minutes after I had finished, and this is one thing he told me:
"Mom, you're Steven's best friend now. But when he gets older, he'll be the boys' best friend and we'll all go to the Father-son campout together."
I'm glad they're still excited about being friends with each other....and I hope they always will be!
At Aaron's last soccer game...poor little fellow gets drug around everywhere. Good thing he's such a happy boy!
Saturday night we had a potluck picnic at the park. It was tons of fun, but by the end Steven was plum tuckered out! They're so cute when they're sleeping!