8 years ago
Monday, August 30, 2010
Adventurous eaters
Last night Josh went to visit someone and they sent home some jalapenos from their garden. Being the boys they are, he and Aaron decided to each eat one.
Getting ready for the bite.
The aftermath of man vs. food
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Dixie Staaaaampede!
One of our favorite places to go is the Dixie Stampede! The food is good and the kids are captivated by the show. It's so fun to watch them clapping their hands and cheering for their side. And they love to drink out of their boot cups all year round. Here's a few pictures from the pre-show.
Jacob his popcorn and drink more than the show.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Abigail at Pre-K
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A day at the beach
While roaming the country this year, Emma brought it to my attention that she had never been to the beach. In fact, none of the children have ever been. The beach just isn't my favorite place....the sand, the salt, the heat. Yuck! However, I didn't think that my negative view should effect my children's life experiences. I mean, everyone should at least have been to the beach--especially if you live within two hours of one. :) They had a blast. And after four hours of playing, the first question they asked me when we got in the car was "When can we come back again?" I would count the trip as a success!
Jacob didn't like going in the water. However, the sand was his favorite friend.
On the other hand, I to keep telling Emma and Aaron to come closer. They loved going out as far as they could.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
First Day of School
Emma and Aaron have been so excited to go back to school...I know, strange children right?! This morning both of their alarms went off at 6 a.m. (mine was set for 6:30) and by 6:30 they were ready for school. They don't have to be at school until 7:50 but they talked me into letting them eat breakfast there so they could leave at 7:30. I made them stop when they were leaving so I could snap a few pictures. However, they weren't very cooperative. I am so grateful that they love going to school and learning. I'll enjoy it while it lasts because I'm sure it will all change one day.

After they had left for school, I loaded Abigail and Jacob into the jogging stroller (which can be called a walking stroller for the next 6 months) and we took off. Since I had my Garmin on and could measure the distance, I let Abby be in charge of the direction. Only one problem with that...after going where she told me too, I still had to walk all the way back home. What was going to be a 4 mile walk turned into a 5 1/2 mile walk. After lunch, I cleaned the garage out and worked on getting things ready for the yard sale on Saturday. I felt productive yet very tired!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Happy birthday, Dad!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Family time at the cabin
Monday, August 2, 2010
My Monkey
Aaron has always been a climber. When he was younger he hang from the table, countertops, or even the door handles...anything he could hold on to. Once he got a little older, and I got a little braver, I let him climb trees. He loves going as high as he can and will just sit there. If I go outside to look for him, more than likely I should just look up. Aaron's all about the monkey business.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Everyone is special!
For some reason if one of our children is invited to do something with a friend, the others think they should do something special too! Yesterday was one of those days. Aaron went to a movie with a friend for his birthday and Emma went to a friend's to play. Which left Abigail at home pitching a fit about how life isn't fair...quite entertaining. Jacob started singing the same song (figuratively, of course) and soon we had quite a chorus going.
In an effort to restore happiness, Josh took the remaining children (Abigail and Jacob) on a bike ride. It was short because everyone got hot...but they all came home smiling.
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